Thursday, June 18, 2009

We conquered Lima :)

Lima was fun, but we´re ready to move on. Yesterday we enjoyed sleeping in, getting ready slowly in our super comfy hostel, exploring downtown Lima, eating, and some dancing. Thoughts and observations...

a. Pollution...seriously. It almost feels worst than Mexico City. Not so much where we´re staying, but downtown. The air feels super heavy.

b. I´ve been a little frustrated with the amount of American influence. I don´t know if it´s more than other places that I´ve been or if i´m just ultra sensitive to it right now for some reason, but the amount of US music, tv, movies, products is crazy. The amount of American influence and how much people know about the US is overwhelming...the world really does seem to revolve around us. It seems to me a bit of a sad reality that´s taken something away from the culture thta is/was.

c. The ongoing activity and changes on the streets is so invigorating. The newness and seemingly random nature of things is so fun to observe, question, and hypothesize over.

d. Yesterday while in central Lima, we met a Mexican woman who, while living in Mexico had met a Polish man who was a Polish embassador. They married and are know both living in Lima with their children...I think that´s utterly fascinating. People have cool lives...

e. Taxis...pray that I come back alive ;) Kidding, mom and dad, I´m kidding. :) But really, the rules of driving are beyond my understanding.

We´re boarding a bus this afternoon and going to Arequipa, a city in the south known for beautiful landscapes, volcanoes and Colca Canyon (similar to the Grand Canyon). We more than likely won´t spend much time there, but is a stopping point on the way to Lake Titicaca. Think of me as I attempt to occupy myself for 16 hours on a bus. If I´m lucky, we´ll get some obnoxious Latin American tv :)



  1. I remember driving in Mexico - that guy was crazy! I think taxi drivers everywhere are nuts. I can see how the American "culture" would get annoying. I wonder why America has such an influence...? any thoughts?

  2. Glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself! The American influence/obsession is definitely worldwide. It is a very sad thing to see while on vacation! I know exactly what you are talking about!!! Be safe and I will continue to follow your journey.

  3. Hey Shell,

    I was worried about your flight, not so much the taxi rides. Are you heading into the mountains now where you were concerned about the colder air? How was the 16 hour bus ride? Love to see your posting, keep it up. Be smart and safe in your travels, cannot be too cautious!!

    Enjoy yourself and look forward to hearing about your next adventure.

    lots of love, mom
