Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Peruvian Jonas Brothers

So, I´m seriously back tracking here, but internet has been less than fast or reliable lately. This was a moment that sticks out so far, so I´ve been waiting to blog about it. Transport yourself back to last Friday evening...

We´re in Arequipa--a pretty city with fountains, moutains, adorable little courtyards, and quite a few tourists. We arrive in Arequipa Friday morning, wander the city during the day and go out for Mexican food that night. Walking back to our hostel, we notice a group of maybe 75 hysterical pubescent girls screaming at a second story window. Our dialogue goes something like this.. ¨should we see what´s going on? It´s probably nothing... oh well, let´s just see.¨ We walk down toward the increasingly animated group and see them throwing anything that they have up at four guys standing at the second story window. We learn that the guys are part of a boy band called Adammo and these girls are serious fans throwing stuff up at them to get autographed.

We stand on the other side of the street observing with amusement and curiousity and start waving up at them too just because it seemed normal and acceptable :) Before we know it, a guy comes over and introduces himself as the group´s manager. Apparently this group is getting pretty big in Peru...the week before they opened for the Backstreet Boys in Lima and have made appearances on Latin MTV. In conversation with the manager, he invites us up to meet this group of boys who we´ve grown accustomed to calling the Jonas Brothers.

We follow him up and hang out with these guys who are so star-struck and humble. We stayed for maybe 15 minutes, got a CD, became facebook friends with one of them, and moved on. But funny. We hung out with the Jonas Brothers of Peru. Ha. I´m still laughing about it.


  1. hahahahaha. You hung out with the Joan Brothers in Peru? LOL. that's hilarious, I can't even fathom the randomness that is that story. It definitely sounds like a burkle-experience. And it's really weird that nothing really starts on time, and your tour guide didn't show up, and you can't even get out of the city. People in the U.S. would be irate! haha. Good stuff shell.

  2. Next stop...the New Kids on the Block of Chile :) What an experience (and quite good narrative skills, I might add).
