Friday, July 23, 2010

Ascend, Descend, Repeat

The past weeks have been full of plenty of ups and downs...literally.

Volcán Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world. The number of volcanos just in Ecuador is really quite insane. There was one point when we could see three from the same spot. Few are active, but they are everywhere. We wanted to experience Cotopaxi in one form or another, so we succumbed to paying a guide to lead the way... Many travelers we´ve met along the way aspired to summit the snowy volcano to the very top to be able to boast in looking over its crater´s edge. We, however, are not ready for that... Instead our overly flirtatious guide, Alex, brought us as far as we could get without putting on special equipment to climb in the ice and snow. One of our first spots out of town on the way up the volcano was at this little lake that we had to walk along to acclimatize ourselves to the altitude. We laughed at the silliness of this leisurely walk. I mean, seriously, the altitude couldn´t be that bad. We were in Quito for 3 days afterall. Ha.

We got back into the van and drove up a curvy road to a parking lot. Alex casually told us that we would take a little walk up to the refuge where the insane(!) summiters rest before their summits. This is when I discovered the beast that is altitude. I thankfully didn´t get sick (unlike some...), but did have to stop frequently on the way up the switchback trail to fill my lungs which felt about half the size of what they do back in Minnesota. Incredible. We were at about 5,800 meters for those you that might understand the implications of altitude. Alex was patient with our pace, but was sure that we knew he wasn´t quite as easy on men. One more reason I´m glad to be female... We got to the refuge and climbed a little further to the point where the glacier hard! I shouldn´t forget to say how beautiful it was along the way! I mean, really incredible! The red volcanic rock against the snow was amazing.

The way back down to the van was lovely... :)

We rested one more night in Latacunga, and headed to Baños the next morning. Baños was described to us by several people as really turisty, but worth the trip anyway. The best way I can describe it is as a small town that feels like a beach town wihout actually being on the coast. It´s super laid back, slow paced, and it always feels acceptable to just sit around and enjoy. :) The first day, we did pretty much just that plus hung out in some outdoor hot baths with waters heated from the nearby volcano (I said they´re everywhere...). The next day we rented some bikes...never agree to rent bikes before actually riding on them...and road them about 30 km along a rode where we passed by a series of waterfalls and trails. AND some incredible empanadas... if you´re ever in Baños, let me know. I´ll direct you to the most delicious empanadas ever. :)

So exhuasted at the end of an eventful bike ride, we went to bed early and woke up at an ungodly hour to enjoy the thermal baths again before the rush of tourists. Just lovely... :) And, in time to catch a canyoning trip, which is essentially rappleing, but down waterfalls. Again, we walked UP and further UP to the top of waterfalls and rappeled down 5 different cascades. Despite wearing these ridiculous yellow jackets, the weather was beautiful, jumping down waterfalls turns out to be a blast, and our french company was really fun.

We got back in time to eat lunch at the market (I love meals at markets...) and catch a bus north to Otavalo--a town near Colombia´s border that is known for it´s markets. So, here I sit in front of Otavalo´s main plaza full of vendors selling the most beautiful handmade things I´ve seen traveling in South America. Apparently the market grows to twice its size tomorrow (Saturday) morning...insane!

We plan to see what else there is to see in northern Ecuador for the next couple of days and head to Colombia Sunday or early next week!

Thanks for following along with me. :)
Hasta la próxima!


1 comment:

  1. OoOOOOoo! I can't wait to see pictures of the waterfall and hear more stories about the people in the thermal baths. You ladies are some keen travelers--- knowing to hit those baths in the morning! :)
