Saturday, August 27, 2011

A different kind of home

Hi friends,

I told you I wouldn't be good at keeping up a blog, but I persist.  :)
I'm now approaching the month mark of being in Cartagena.  Each week there is something else that makes it feel just a little more like home.  I'll explain a few of seemingly insignificant "events" that have made our apartment and life in general feel like a place I'll be for awhile...

1- Soft lighting!
When Lindsey and I moved in, our apartment was FULL of those horrible florescent-like energy-saving lightbulbs.  There are few things in life that I hate more than harsh lighting.  I've been on a constant search for soft lightbulbs (luz caliente) that fit all of our sockets.  We've finally arrived a good place, and I don't dread nighttime when I have to turn the lights on.  Ah, home.  :)

2- Work
I finished my first full week with students.  I love, love, love them.  I finally got "that" class, which doesn't mean the "special" one like it did the last 5 years of teaching.  They're good, sweet, and hard-working and their accents make me smile.  I love being called Miss (which actually comes out as "Meeees...").  I realize that I'm still in the honeymoon stage and that things change, but it's fun.  My alarm clocks (yes, I set two) do sound at 5:30, so vacation is long gone...  Home.

3- Cooking
We have some spices in the cupboard, condiments in the fridge, and a semi-fully stocked kitchen.  I like to cook and I like more to cook for others.  I've gotten to do both.

4- Down time
I've had more time to sit and relax and have the space to do it.  We got some softer pillows for our couch and converted our extra bedroom into a sitting room of sorts.  If you come visit, you can sleep there (there's a bed), but I call it the "skype-room" for now.  I even rearranged our living room (Mom, you should be proud) and set up our tv/dvd player.  I could stay here for awhile...

But then there are things that make me realize that I'm in a different place...

1- Showers
I don't really love to take time to shower that often in the states...  if I'm not dirty or greasy, I don't shower.  That is out of the question here.  I'm am ALWAYS either sweaty, greasy, or wet.  I even sometimes shower twice in a day (gasp!).  It's ridiculous.

2- Beer
I don't really like beer in the states...  Here, it's everywhere.  It's cheap and cold and everywhere.  I drink way more beer than I ever thought I would and even enjoy it.  That's not to say that the beer actually tastes any better...  the opposite might be true.  We even did happy hour sitting on the wall around the old city drinking beer....  And there's no nursing a beer either.  It goes from cold, to cool, to lukewarm, do downright steamy in 5 minutes flat.  Different.

3- Prep time
A lot of 2-3 hours a day.  If I'm not a good teacher this year, there's no hope for me.

There's a bit of an update!  I love that it's Saturday today.  I have some serious plans to catch up on rest, with maybe a little work thrown in.  I love to hear from you....  comment, email, or skype.  I'm on skype often in the evenings, so sign in once in awhile.  My username is michelle.burkle.

Un abrazo.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One week down

Hello friends,
We've got one week down and many more to go.  :)  I feel like I've said this a million times, but it feels like I've been here for months.  Cartagena feels just a little bit more like home everyday.  The first few days definitely felt like I was on vacation and I should be counting down the days until I would need to get back on an airplane and go back to the "real" world.
I mean, really, the real world couldn't be living on the Caribbean, right?!  I hope the day never comes that I look out my new living room window and don't appreciate the view.
Could the real world really mean that a staff retreat is going to an island for a weekend?  The majority of last week was spent finding an apartment, getting settled, going to the grocery store and mall, and beginning the process of finding my favorite places to eat.  Friday we left for an island called Barú where Playa Blanca is located (if you're familiar with the area...) for a staff "retreat".  I put retreat in quotation marks because the staff retreat I've known in the past consists of endless hours in a windowless room around a conference table.  This place was gorgeous!  Most time was spent in a beachy hut sort of thing sharing about our lives, thoughts, feelings, expectations, fears... you name it.  =)  We ended the weekend with a flashmob of some rewritten Black Eyed Peas dedicated to our director and principals for SUCH a warm welcome.  Check it out at if you feel so inclined.
I would write more, but I'm am SO tired.  This moving this is exhausting.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My New Home

The recurring thought going through my head since arriving in Cartagena yesterday afternoon is "I can't believe I'm LIVING here...".  Sure, I knew that it might take some adjusting and knew that it would take some time for it all to sink in that this is my new home, but it might take longer than expected.  I mean, seriously, this place is gorgeous.  And, sure, I've been here before...I should know exactly what I'm getting into, but I look around at the sand, waves, water, palm trees, beautiful buildings and wonder where the heck I am...  Don't worry, I'm not complaining, it's just a little ridiculous.

Today was the first full day in the city and was spent doing mostly logistical things like blood work, insurance, cell phones, and a city bus tour.  This evening we had dinner (hello, coconut rice and giant avocados!) around the rooftop pool on top of our director's apartment building.  I'll try to attach a picture of the view.  The fact that it gets dark here at 6:30 made 8:00 feel like 11:30, so it will be easy to turn in early.
Tomorrow is a day full of apartment searching and hopefully choosing...  the hotel is super comfortable with hot showers (I'll miss those...), but I'm very much looking forward to some space to make my own.  Can't wait to share those pictures when I have them to share!
