Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's finally time!

It's time!  The end of July is finally here when I get to actually board that plane heading south.  The days and months since the UNI fair in February crept by at times and flew by at other times.  It was a wonderful summer of spending quality time with people that I love, and I look forward to telling you all about what it looks like and feels like to LIVE in Colombia.

If you know me, you know that Colombia is one of my favorite places.  It has succeeded in winning me over both times that I've been there, and I apparently just can't get enough.  A handful of experiences creates long lists of expectations, so I also hope to share with you as those expectations are met, exceeded, fallen short of, blown out of the water, and completely torn to shreds.
As I sit here writing this just having finished fitting my life into 4 bags and thinking about the things I've chosen to pack into those bags, here are a few things that I am expecting...

1.  I packed 4 swimsuits...  I fully expect some quality beach/pool/sun time.

2.  I packed 1 pair of jeans and 1 sweater...  stay away winter.

3.  I packed many pairs of sandals...  I expect many cheap pedicures.

4.  I packed a bag full of ENGLISH children's books...  I can't wait to meet my new little, English-learning kiddos.

5.  I packed a tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping mat...  I expect and hope that I meet cool people who love to camp!

Trust me, I packed so much more than that, I fully expect that I've forgotten and overlooked something...

Hasta pronto, amigos.  :)